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April 27, 2004


Presenter Perth

Great site. Well done on the interesting content.

Shamima Sultana

Great resources..
Thanks for the post

Andrey Smagin

I think many people are confusing “graphic design” with “design”.

Design is about developing things that work great and fulfill its functions in a pleasant satisfying way.
Design involves usability aspects and aesthetic ones together. It’s the process of creating products that involves problem solving in all aspects of product life. Graphic design is a process of creating graphics. You can’t expect people who just create graphics to care about production issues, about usability, about marketing and sales strategy. The same way usability experts are not capable of developing final products by themselves. How can you be usability expert or expert in human interaction with some products, when you’re not familiar with how colors or emotional message of design of a product going affect usage?

The reason we have so many usability experts that develop some schemes that are decorated after that by graphic designers is that we don’t have good designers that are experts in both. Usability expert and graphic designer shouldn’t be working next to each other - they should be one entity.

Richard (Designer)

Graphic design Vs usability? Graphic design *is* about usability. If the product hasn't been designed to be usable (and accessible, for that matter) then it hasn't been designed properly. The same goes for print design as well as web design - although obviously, since the advent of graphic designers entering the world of interactivity, web design has the higher profile.

Tom Smith

Fantastic article... GUIs that are "skinnable" are dead in the water already... skins are tastless decorations, nothing more...

Etienne Ranc

Aesthetics is just one thing graphic designers tackle. Communicating and persuading visually would sum it up better. It's quite simple, just apply the all time definition of what a graphic designer does in any media and apply it to multimedia and interaction.

There's a huge difference between multimedia and lotsomedia, the first one converges different media into one, communicating in a way no other media can, the latter is just a bunch of images, text, audio, clicks, drags, animation and video put together without a purpose, without communicating in integration.

It's obvious we as web designers need to stick to the characteristics of the chosen media: bandwidth, monitor size, usability, accesability, etc. But it's nothing that has never been done in other media, so know your media, errr.. multimedia?

Sergio Jardim

We designers have to remember that the most important thing is to comunicate with the user/consumer. To pass the cliente message through the design. That´s the very simple principle which applies to every piece of our work.

Chris Murphy

It's my firm belief that graphic designers - however they may call themselves - need to truly educate themselves in Human Interface Design, or any discipline geared towards better usability. The more you know, even instinctively, the better you’re able to defend your work. I’ve had the misfortune of having dealt with usability “experts” – who are no more than software developers and engineers who can’t see past code – and really lack understand in the importance of good aesthetic design.

I’m personally sick of so called third-party usability “experts” constantly trying undermine a design with their biases towards text-based, minimalist, aesthetic-free interfaces. Aesthetics are important on so many different levels when dealing with the demands of the business world. A designer constantly has to keep in mind requirements for branding, marketing, and all those annoying hang-ups of the corporate world – most usability experts don’t understand this. The ones who do are great to work with, the ones who don’t - [insert: desired demise for said "expert"].

I doubt we’ll ever be free of usability "experts" - people love to give themselves fancy job titles – given that, it’s a designer’s responsibility to educate and be educated. All in all, the more you know and understand, the better you design and defend.

Vidya Gopinath

"Usability professionals need to wake up to the fact that aesthetics are not a trivial afterthought, but an integral part of the user experience",says the author.He is true in his view that the graphic designers have to go hand in hand with usability proffesionals.
All of us like beauty and art,but at the same time too much of graphics which takes time to download may easily fustrate us.Like wise a site that is ugly might also bore us easily.

Andrei Herasimchuk

I assume you have already seen this, but in case you haven't, related to this post, even though a few weeks behind it. While satirical in nature, hopefully you'll agree it makes your point on this issue clear using a concrete example.


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