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July 30, 2005



PriceGrabber.com - the comparison ecommerce shopping site has a bold pop-up free policy. I think it's a good stand they are taking.

They even offer their Pop-Up Free logo for others to use.

Check it out!


So do you feel that this site http://www.philipfogarty.com is taking things too far with regard to placing its content in pop-ups, or is it a step in the right direction...? Your comments please.



There seem to be some sites out there where, if you are running e.g. google toolbar pop-up blocker, you have to CTRL-click to produce the new window. Other sites (e.g. http://www.lloydstsb.com/contact_us.asp - click 'General Enquiries')seem to overcome this issue, and the new window pops up with no intervention. Why is this?



Another problem I have seen with pop-ups during usability testing is that "the average user who is not web saavy" has also been abused by these things so much that many have developed a conditioned response, pop-up opens and and they close it before they even read it. Even on self-selected pop-ups.

That drives me crazy since, as you said, there are a plenty of great reasons to use popups.


Why not use a standard messagebox instead of a popup window? Or have the error message itself in the page by design?

Few people will take the effort of turning of the popup blocker because of some site's insistence to use popups for error messages... whether you tell them about it or not.

Ryan Nichols

I totally agree with you. I've ran across a number of conversations in which people evangelized 'No pop-up's...ever!'. I disagreed because inevitably those same people were thinking in terms of ads or external links on a new window, and NOT contextual information like help or terms of service descriptions.

Thanks for standing up and advocating smart use of contextual windows rather than those misleading new developers with misinformation.

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