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September 21, 2006



Usability and User Experience certainly has a larger scope than that. If you're looking for more poster ideas, you could turn this into a series - the Importance of User Experience for Consumer Products, or for Enterprise Systems (a topic close to my heart), or for Technical Equipment.


3. Hi
Thank you for a wonderful article.
Can you please clarify to me, what impact will, if into force form will have on a company like for an example Ralph Lauren Polo, that have a registered trademark in China? Can the Company force a website selling counterfeit RLP items to remove them.

IT provider

Jack Wu

You did not use the right term for one of the translations, Chinese (Mandarin). Mandarin is referred as the spoken (not written) part of the language. In writing, you should use Chinese (Simplified) in your case. The other written form in Chinese is Chinese (Traditional).

Eric O

Great poster!


This is very nice. You might want to clarify the subject, though - this is the Importance of User Experience...for commerce web sites.

Usability and User Experience certainly has a larger scope than that. If you're looking for more poster ideas, you could turn this into a series - the Importance of User Experience for Consumer Products, or for Enterprise Systems (a topic close to my heart), or for Technical Equipment.

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